If you plan to visit and use the PCC 图书馆’s resources, it is important that you 熟悉我们的政策.

PCC and the Shatford 图书馆 seek to mainta在一个 safe, orderly, constructive campus environment that fosters freedom to learn and respect for all members of the College 社区. 图书馆遵循PCC的标准 学生行为准则.


  • 小声点.
  • Turn your cell phones to vibrate and take calls outside.
  • 使用耳机听电子设备.
  • 上层是一个指定的安静空间. 请进行合作或小组作业 在一个 小组自习室.
  • Return your materials on time so that others may use them.
  • 任何时候都要看好你的贵重物品.
  • 请不要把鞋放在家具上.
  • 以你所期望的同样的尊重对待彼此.
  • Due to a severe insect problem, food is no longer permitted in the library building. 在露天中庭可以吃零食.
  • Drinks (in covered containers) are permitted in most areas of the library, but not on the lower level (including the Computer Labs) and 档案.
  • No food deliveries, food parties or group meals are allowed except in relation to college-sponsored事件.
  • 在校园内禁止吸烟. 校园吸烟政策
  • 把垃圾扔掉.

While in the library, don’t leave any personal belongings unattended. 图书馆 is not responsible for any lost or stolen items, nor is library staff able to watch 你的东西.

If you suspect that you have lost an item while in the library, please visit the Circulation 桌子上. If the item is not there, you should contact the Campus 警察 directly (visit B楼210,或致电(626)585 -7484). 参观 PCC校园警察失物招领处 提交失物招领报告.

If you wish to film or photograph in the PCC 图书馆, you must submit a completed 以Shatford图书馆表格申请拍摄或拍照 at least two days before the proposed filming and/or photography. 之前提交 a request form, please review the following policies first:

  • Filming and/or photography may not take place until your request has been approved 图书馆院长.
  • Filming and/or photography must be campus or class related. 作其他拍摄及 photography requests, please contact the Campus Use Office at (626) 585-7233 or via 电邮地址:campususe@cepstart.com
  • The person submitting the request must be present 在任何时候 during filming and/or 拍摄.
  • Filming and/or photography must occur during off-peak hours, unless otherwise approved 图书馆院长. Off-peak hours are: Mondays through Thursdays, 7:30am - 9:30am or 7:00pm - 9:00pm, or any open hours on Fridays or Saturdays.
  • Filming and/or photography must take place only on the specified dates and only in the specified areas as outlined on your request form and as approved by the 图书馆 迪安.
    • Filming and/or photography is not permitted in service areas, staff areas, or restrooms.
    • Filming and/or photography must not block or obstruct walkways, corridors, or exits.
  • Filming and/or photography must not disturb the regular functions or operations of 图书馆:图书馆、它的使用者或职员.
    • 不允许移动家具或材料.
    • Any equipment used, including artificial lighting, must not disturb library users 不得干扰图书馆的运作.
    • Your project (including your cast, crew, and equipment) must not create any safety 或者旅行危险.
  • 你必须提供自己的臣民. 你不可以拍摄或拍摄图书馆的用户或 未经员工书面同意.
  • All persons in your cast and crew must abide by the library’s policies and PCC的学生行为准则 在任何时候.

图书馆 展览 spaces are provided to current students, faculty, and staff of PCC for support of the educational, research, recreational and cultural activities of 学院.


  • Rotunda 展览 space is available to current students, faculty, and staff of PCC.

  • All displays will have a faculty or staff sponsor/adviser who is accountable for the 展览.

  • The campus departments and/or library reserve the right to preempt any 展览 for 校园活动:校园活动或展览. In such instances, the library will make a reasonable effort to give ample notification of such preemption and to assist the group in reserving 另一个日期或展品.

  • The College does not necessarily endorse the beliefs or viewpoints of topics which 可能是展品的主题吗.

  • Exhibits may not include defaming or obscene materials as defined by the United States Supreme Court, or material which could lead to a breach of peace, or which advocates 违反刑法的行为.

  • Exhibit areas may not be used as advertising space for commercial enterprises, political 候选人或政治问题.


  • The College strives to present museum-quality 展览s 在任何时候. 担保人和/或 图书馆 Exhibition Coordinator may advise 参展商s on layout and signage for 展览s.

  • The 参展商 assumes all responsibility for the transportation of all materials to 还有展览区.

  • The 参展商 shall be responsible for the installation and dismantling of the 展览 as scheduled, subject to advisement from facilities personnel and facilities guidelines.

  • Labels for 展览ed items must be provided by the 参展商. 标签应该打印出来 和印刷. Descriptions should be articulate and strive for a quality presentation. 标签不得贴在墙上或箱子上. 价格可能不包括在标签上.

  • Printed publicity initiated by the 参展商 must be approved before 展览ion date

  • The 参展商 shall provide services and costs of receptions or other events related 到显示器.

  • Upon removal of the display, the physical surroundings should be checked and returned to their original condition, unless formerly agreed upon by the College and the 参展商.

  • If the College is forced to dismantle a display, because the 参展商 has not removed it as scheduled, the College is not responsible for any damages. 学院将 dispose of abandoned materials after reasonable effort has been made to contact the 参展商.